No Ear Has Heard

"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no mind has conceived – the things God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor. 2:9


I’m back! After a summer break of not blogging I’ll try to keep you up on my day to day thoughts again 🙂 We stayed in the States for an extra week longer than planned after going to my grandma’s funeral, which was of course not previously planned. So, once we got back home to Zacatecas we needed to really get right to it. Actually VBS started a little over 48 hours after we landed!

One of the annual outreach projects our church likes to do every year is VBS. To our church that means organizing some extended fun time for the kids of activities, lessons and a theme of a certain character. Also, we help bless each kid with a small bag of some of the school supplies they will need. In order for the school supplies to last we usually do VBS a week or so before school starts.

This year when I realized we would stay later in the U.S. I asked our children’s pastor and another leader (Christin Egli) to help me out by doing some of the organization and volunteer round up. I was so relieved that with several people working on ideas, theme, activities, and food. I didn’t have to think about much at all! All I had to do was some shopping and showing up.

We had 39 kids age 3-9, and another 12 kids 10-13, then we had an additional 10 older teens who helped, and probably at least 15 adults. So there was plenty of help. We didn’t get to do VBS in 2020 so we weren’t sure how many kids would come. We were prepared for more, but these numbers were great and everything felt as “under control” as it does during any VBS. 🙂 So that’s a total of 61 kids/youth.

Kids getting dropped off and ready to start

The theme was about Joseph, the kids watched parts of the movie Joseph : King of Dreams, and the classes rotated through stations and activities related to the different parts of his life: the coat, dreams and sold into slavery, being a slave of Potiphar and thrown into prison, and then finally interpreting pharaoh’s dreams, governing and reconciling with brothers. The volunteers felt that things ran smoothly and that the time passed quickly, something that I think is telling of a good time probably especially in kids ministry.

Things were different as a lot has changed for us since the last time we did a VBS, but it was AWESOME to see how change brought some really good things, and really great to see so many people involved and taking ownership.

The youth and adults who came to help praying before we started, minus the cooking team who was already working, what a team! .

Safe to say I’m humbled to lead such awesome people and see God do such great things. Praying that He would continue to send more workers for the harvest, and give us wisdom to lead and develop them well so that they can continue to do these bigger and better things in the future!

One comment on “VBS-Dreamers!

  1. suemarsden
    September 3, 2021

    Ana! Sounds like a great VBS!! What a wonderful team you have 😃

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This entry was posted on August 31, 2021 by .